If you’re like most parents, you worry about the future. You’re afraid that your disrespectful twelve-year-old will become a juvenile delinquent or that your defiant eight-year-old will become even more difficult to manage as a teenager. You also worry about how to remain the most influential person in your child’s life, and sometimes about whether or not you have lost your influence altogether. You work hard at being a positive role model and being “good” in so many ways, but wonder if what you’re doing and saying is making a difference.
In How to Influence Your Kids for Good, Sara Dimerman shares her practical and effective step-by-step plan that will help you bring your family together, improve communication, and unlock the very best in your children and yourself.
Customer Reviews
Guidance to help you and your family to develop character over time.
I’ve got the opportunity to review the book Character Is The Key through Mom Central Canada. I knew well that it was a secular book but I was still curious at what it would convey as message.
I won’t hide the fact that we are Christians and homeschooling. My oldest son was in school for two years and has experience the “let’s encourage the kids to develop good character” at school. Honestly, I am still wondering how they picked the students to receive the special mention of the month… There were times where I wondered what the teacher was thinking when she picked a specific student for one of the awards. I later learned that the objective was that all students went on the award wall… Yes you read it right – all students.
Personally, I think the responsibility of teaching your children about values and character should go to the parents. But in these times, when divorce is high or both parents are working, when everyone seems to be running around like a chicken without a head, I sense this task is not a priority. That is very unfortunate… It is interesting that the schools are now seeing the importance of teaching this to the students now.
I was curious to see what this book would “teach” to the parents… Continue reading on Amazon.ca