How to promote healthy sexual development, from toddlers to teens

Light bulb male and female

Sara Dimerman in conversation with sexual health educator and consultant, Carly Basian about how to promote healthy sexual development, from toddlers to teens. Over the course of this episode you will learn more about:

  • Why it’s important that teachers and parents understand how to promote healthy sexual development in children.
  • How young is too young to begin communicating in a way that supports and promotes healthy sexual development in children and ways to do so in everyday life.
  • Stages of development – from toddlers to teens – and how each stage requires something new or different in order to continue to promote positive and healthy sexual development.
  • What a parent should be on the lookout for in their teenager – for reassurance that they are going in the right direction in regards to healthy sexual development.
  • Some warning signs or red flags that there are gaps in children’s sexual development and how to fill them.
  • How parents and teachers can work together in fostering what children need to know when developing sexually
  • Resources for parents and educators

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