Woman whispering into child's ear

Can you keep a secret?

Can you keep a secret? Do you want to be someone’s vault? The problem with asking someone if they can keep a secret before telling them the actual secret is that until they hear it, it’s likely very difficult to commit to holding the secret…
Hand with pen and checklist

Finding Purpose

On her 99th birthday, the late, great Hazel McCallion – former mayor of Mississauga – said, “the secret to longevity is purpose.” I agree with her. Finding purpose is different for everyone. Purpose is what most parents feel when raising their children. At first, one’s…
Sports team in a huddle

On the road to resilience

Are you resilient? Maybe you’re not quite sure. You may even wonder what being resilient means or how resilience presents itself. In this blog I will uncover a lot of what you may want to know about resilience. By definition, resilience is the ability to…
DQ sign reading "It's eclipse not apocalypse relax"

Solar eclipse

Not since Y2K have I experienced such a wave of panic around me, in preparing for what was to come. Leading up to April 8th, instead of stocking up on water and non perishables, people were clamouring for a pair of ISO labelled dark glasses,…
Close up of cat paws

The passing of pets

It’s so hard to believe that it’s been a year since our beloved Siamese cat, Flurry, died. He and his sister, Flicka, came into our lives after our flame-point Siamese, Slinky, passed away 13 years ago, and our other cat, Cadbury, remained. That’s been the…