Birthday cake and party supplies

A simple birthday party

This past summer, we planned a party for our daughter’s sixth birthday. We booked a venue that allowed the kids to create, name and take a bear home. Unfortunately, about a week prior to the date, I was told that they were closing their doors.…
Leaves in fall colours

Coping with transitions as a parent

Flicking through the television channels last week, I caught a glimpse of Robyn, Dr. Phil’s wife, dabbing away tears and holding the hand of another parent faced with her daughter’s imminent departure away from home to university. The single parent whose daughter sat next to…
Tent at night

Camping as a Family

Wish me good luck as I embark on my first family camping trip. It all started months ago as the last snow of the Winter season fell. Our good friends asked that we join them during the summer. My husband jumped at the idea. I…
Feet splashing in water

Summer Time 2005

My neighbour and I sat watching our children run through the water sprinkler in her backyard, enjoying the sounds of their laughter and the soft droplets wind swept our way. Basking in the above average temperatures of June, she closed her eyes and said “ah,…
Girl laying on picnic table

Teen Girls and Self Esteem

My teenaged daughter has a figure I’d die for. Well, not really die for, but you know what I mean. When she wears shorts in the summer, strangers comment on the length of her legs which account for most of her height. Her skin is…
Woman and child holding rainbow flag

Lesbian couples raising children

On December 25th, a baby boy was born. Ten weeks later, sitting in the living room of Sarah and Michele’s townhouse in Thornhill, baby Tyler asleep in his car seat, Michele offers me home made muffins as she sips her coffee and eats her breakfast…