Resist making the kids pursue your passions May 10, 2012Online, Print Quoted in “Resist making the kids pursue your passions” by Joanne Richard in Sun Media publications, such as the Sun, across Canada Make Mother's Day Priceless - Literally May 8, 2012Online, Print Quoted in “Make Mother’s Day Priceless – Literally” by Joanne Richard. Appeared in Sun Media publications across Canada, such as 24 Hours and the Sun. What's that on your face?!? How to navigate the makeup debate with your daughter March 24, 2012Online, Print Quoted in “What’s that on your face?!? How to navigate the makeup debate with your daughter” by Susan Spicer Is it OK to lie to your kids? March 1, 2012Online, Print Quoted in “Is it OK to lie to your kids?” by Lisa van de Geyn in Today’s Parent Quoted in "Shock, sadness greet revelations about councillor's past" by Jennifer Yang December 18, 2011Print Quoted in “Shock, sadness greet revelations about councillor’s past” by Jennifer Yang Quoted in "Teaching kids gratitude during the holidays" by Linda White December 12, 2011Online Quoted in “Teaching kids gratitude during the holidays” by Linda White