Do I have your consent?

Consent. Its a word we’re hearing more often these days. It started gathering momentum shortly after we got wind of a Toronto radio host being accused of involving unwilling participants in sexual acts. Acts that were apparently non consensual. It’s a word that’s been a…

How to protect us and our children from unwanted sexual advances

In this podcast Sara Dimerman chats with Goldie Plotkin. Over the course of this episode you will learn more about: The laws of Yichud Whether these laws are explicitly shared with children as they are growing up or woven into the parenting fabric Whether these laws actually have to be presented as such or if they can just be applied as common sense rules when guiding your children as teens or young adults How, when applying these rules, girls and women, in particular, are kept safer Whether these laws also protect boys and men Whether now, more than ever before, we need to be considering ways to protect ourselves and our children from unwanted sexual advances The incidents have have raised our consciousness and gotten us talking about these concerns